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Animal Liberation presents 2017 Cruelty Free Festival

The team at Syndian are delighted to announce that we are a Gold Sponsor of the 2017 Cruelty Free Festival held here in Sydney. This amazing event is on the 22nd of October at The Cutaway, Barangaroo Reserve, Sydney CBD.

From their website: "The Cruelty Free Festival provides a full day of activities and entertainment to delight everyone who loves animals. We showcase the groups giving a voice to animals, alongside inspiring advocates and innovative businesses creating inspiration and options for vegan and cruelty-free living!"

We are so proud to be part of an amazing cause like this, and we encourage you to attend or donate through their website. Proceeds go towards Animal Liberation.

Visit their website here, and their Facebook page here.

You can purchase tickets online for only $5 (plus booking fee), and children under 12 enter for free! Otherwise, $10 at the door. Tickets via Moshtix.

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